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Der Schuhu und die fliegende Prinzessin DE - 1976
Udo Zimmermann 1943 - DE
Libretto based on 'Der Schuhu und die fliegende Prinzessin' by Peter Hacks
Synopsis - Roles - Arias
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Synopsis - Top
The Schuhu is an owl, a highly intelligent bird man. He is wise, strong and can fly. Its properties, such as excellent night vision and acute hearing trigger magical and symbolic interpretations. In ancient Greece he was both a messenger of death and connected to the aura of the uncanny. The philosophical egg, in which he is born, is to be opened by force.
He lives in a through demagoguery, greedy and violence deformed world which is hostile to him. War has ravaged the country and suffering everywhere. No man can escape the misery, only the owl as a man of the future sees through the intrigues and cynical vanity of those in power as well as the narrow-mindedness of scholars. Finally, he meets the lovely flying fickle-princess, a fateful meeting - until they too succumb to the sweet temptations of imperialist capitalism and the owl his journey alone to continue.
Roles - Top
Der Schuhu
Die fliegende Prinzessin
Oberster Schneckenhirt, SchuhulogeTenorM-M
Erster SpinatgärtnerTenorM-M
Schneider, König von TripolisBassM-VL
Kaiser von Mesopotamien
Herzog von Coburg-GothaBassM-VL
Arias - Top
Es war ein armer Schneider
So stand der Schuhu in der Stube
Guten Tag, mein Herr
Im Suden, wo das Meer blauer ist als der Himmel
Majestat, mein kaiserlicher Bruder
Der Schuhu hatte seinen Nachtwachterposten im 17. kaiserlichen Garten verlassen
Ich war in meiner Vaterstadt