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L'Arianna IT - 1608
Claudio Monteverdi 1567 - 1643 IT 2*
Dramma per musica : The first form of opera as introduced by Monteverdi. Literally, 'drama for music', a play intended to be set to music.
Libretto by Ottavio Rinuccini based on the Classical story of Ariadne and Theseus from Ovid by Heroides
First performance at Mantua on 28 May 1608
Synopsis - Roles - Arias
Italian libretto - French translation - English translation
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Background Facts - Top
  • The opera by Monteverdi has been lost except for the complaint (Lamento) of the daughter of King Minos of Crete after she is abandoned by her lover.
  • This opera by Monteverdi of which only a part is left, is one of the most influential and famous specimens of early baroque opera.
Synopsis - Top
Based on ancient Greek legend of Ariadne and Theseus.
King Minos of Crete has won the war with the Athenians and demands Athene to sacrifice seven young men and seven maidens every nine years to the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull monster that lives in the Labyrinth. Theseus, son of King Aegeus of Athens, volunteers to kill the Minotaur. Ariadne, daughter of King Minos, falls in love with him and gives him a sword and a ball of the red fleece thread so that he can kill the Minotaur and find his way out of the labyrinth.
After Theseus has overcome the Minotaur and finds his way out of the labyrinth Ariadne elopes with him to a small island. After she is abandoned by Theseus she bewails her fate and curses her unfaithful lover (Ariadne's Complaint).
Roles - Top
AriannaSopranoF-H Daughter of King Minos of Crete
TeseoTenorM-M Son of King Aegeus of Athens
GioveTenorM-M Jupiter
Arias - Top
Lamento d'Arianna (Ariadne's Complaint)