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Don Quichotte FR - 1910
Jules Massenet 1842 - 1912 FR 2*
Synopsis - Roles - Arias
French libretto - German translation
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Background Facts - Top
  • The opera is the third most often performed opera of Massenet, behind Manon and Werther.
  • Le Chevalier de la Longue Figure (The Knight of the Rueful Countenance) in this opera by Massenet refers to Jean le Lorraine’s play based on Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Synopsis - Top
Act 1
A square in front of Dulcinée's house
A festival is being celebrated. Four hopeful admirers of Dulcinée serenade her from the street. Dulcinée appears and explains philosophically that being adored is not enough. She withdraws and a crowd, largely of beggars, acclaim the arrival of the eccentric knight and his comic squire, Don Quichotte riding on his horse Rossinante and Sancho Panza on a donkey. Delighted by their attention, Don Quichotte tells a reluctant Sancho to throw them money. After the crowd disperse, Don Quichotte himself serenades Dulcinée, but he is stopped by Juan, a jealous admirer of the local beauty. A sword fight follows, interrupted by Dulcinée herself. She is charmed by Don Quichotte's antique attentions, chides Juan for his jealousy and sends him away. The old man offers her his devotion and a castle. She suggests instead that he might retrieve a pearl necklace of hers stolen by Ténébrun, the bandit chief. He undertakes to do so, and Dulcinée quickly rejoins her men friends.

Act 2
In the countryside
A misty morning, Don Quichotte and Sancho enter with Rossinante and the donkey. Don Quichotte is composing a love poem. Sancho delivers a grand tirade against their expedition, against Dulcinée, and against women in general. The mists disperse revealing a line of windmills that Don Quichotte takes for a group of giants. To Sancho's horror, Don Quichotte attacks the first one, only to be caught up in one of the sails and hoisted up in the air.

Act 3
In the mountains
Dusk, Don Quichotte believes they are getting close to the bandits. Sancho goes to sleep while Don Quichotte stands guard. The bandits suddenly appear and after a brief fight take the knight prisoner. Sancho escapes. Surprised by the defiance of the old man, the bandits give him a beating and intend to kill him, however Don Quichotte's prayer moves Ténébrun, the bandit chief, to mercy. Don Quichotte explains his mission, and the necklace is returned to him. The bandits ask for the blessing of the noble knight before he leaves.

Act 4
The garden of Dulcinée's House
Music and dancing, a party is in progress, but Dulcinée is melancholy. Rousing herself, she snatches a guitar and sings 'Ne pensons qu'au plaisir d'aimer'. All retire to dinner. Sancho and Don Quichotte arrive. While waiting for Dulcinée, Sancho asks for his reward to which Don Quichotte responds with vague promises of an island, a castle, riches. Dulcinée and her party greet the knight and he returns the necklace to universal acclaim. However when he asks her to marry him he is greeted with hysterical laughter. Taking pity, Dulcinée tells the others to leave, apologizes but explains that her destiny, her way of life, is different from his. She kisses him on the forehead and leaves. But the company return to make fun of the old man. Sancho vigorously upbraids them and takes his master away.

Act 5
A mountain pass in an ancient forest
A clear starry night, Don Quichotte is dying. He remembers once promising Sancho an island as his reward, and offers him an isle of dreams. Nearing death, Don Quichotte looks up at a star shining brightly above and hears the voice of Dulcinée calling him to another world.
Roles - Top
Dulcinée (Dulcinea)ContraltoF-L
Don Quichotte (Don Quixote)BassM-VL
Sancho Pança (Sancho Panza)BaritoneM-L
Le chef des bandits
Deux valetsBaritoneM-L
Arias - Top
Act 1: Belle, dont l'empire est le charme
Quand la femme a vingt ans (When a woman is twenty)
Dulcinee est certes jolie
Allegresse! Vive Don Quichotte de la Manche!
C'est merveille de voir comme l'on me connait!
Je voudrais que la joie embaumat les chemins
Ah! vous allez ameuter alcade, regidor
Quand apparaissent les étoiles (When the stars begin to shine)
Qu'est cela, le beau mandoliniste?
Ah! c'est vous qui lanciez des vers a ma fenetre
Vous etes, monseigneur, plus que compromettant
Pour vous choyer et vous servir
Alors vous devriez, o mon heros superbe
Elle m'aime et va me revenir
Act 2: C'est vers ton amour
Croyez-moi, chevalier, nous nous sommes trompes
Comment peut-on penser du bien de ces coquines (How can anyone think anything good of those hussies)
Regarde, homme de peu!
Geant, monstrueux cavalier
Les Moulins
Act 3: C'est ici le chemin que prennent les bandits
Le Sommeil de Don Quichotte
Cette fois, ce sont eux!
Halte-la! rendez-vous, gens de peu
Ah! voir un corps long comme un jour sans pain
Seigneur, reçois mon âme, elle n'est pas méchante (Lord receive my soul, it is not evil)
Je suis le chevalier errant (I am the Knight-errant)
Et maintenant sur couse, placez votre main pure
Les manants, les pillards, fils du vol et du crime
Act 4: Alors, traitresse, je n'ai plus rien a esperer
Lorsque le temps d'amour a fui (When the time of love has gone)
Par fortune! Serait-ce mon tour?
Ah! J'ai en ce moment le desir d'autre chose
Ne pensons qu'au plaisir d'aimer (Think just of the pleasures of love)
L'aube bientot blanchira l'horizon
Annonce le grand Don Quichotte de la Manche
J'entre enfin dans la joie
Tiens, c'est vous, chevalier
On ne s'exlique pas qu'a deux
Auriez-vous donc les trente perles fines
Marchez dans mon chemin
Me marier, moi!
Oui, je souffre votre tristesse, et j'ai vraiment chagrin à vous désemparer (I share your sorrow and am truly sorry)
O toi, dont les bras nus
Enfin, te revoila!
Riez, allez, riez du pauvre idéologue (Laugh, laugh at this poor idealist)
Act 5: O mon maitre, o mon Grand!
Ecoute, mon ami, je me sens bien malade
Prends cette île (Take that isle)
L'Etoile!...Dulcinee! Le temps d'amour a fui