- Braniboři v Čechách - 3 acts - Czech
- Libretto by Karel Sabina based on events from Czech history
- First performance at Provisional Theater, Prague on 5 January 1866
- Prodaná nevesta
- 3 acts - Czech - First performance at Provisional Theater, Prague on 30 May 1866
- Dalibor - 3 acts - Czech
- Libretto by Josef Wenzig in German, translation by Ervin Špindler based on the life of Dalibor of Kozojed (15th century), a Czech knight
- First performance at New Town Theatre, Prague on 16 May 1868
- Dvě vdovy - 2 acts - Czech
- Libretto by Emanuel Züngel based on the play 'Les deux veuves' by Jean Pierre Felicien Mallefille
- First performance at Czech Theatre, Prague on 27 March 1874
- Hubicka - 2 acts - Czech
- Libretto by Eliška Krásnohorská based on the novel 'The Kiss' by Karolina Světlá
- First performance at Prague on 7 November 1876
- Tajemství - 3 acts - Czech
- Libretto by Eliška Krásnohorská
- First performance at New Czech Theatre, Prague on 18 September 1878
- Libuše - 3 acts - Czech
- Libretto by Josef Wenzig in German, translation by Ervin Špindler
- First performance at National Theatre, Prague on 11 June 1881
- Čertova stěna - 3 acts - Czech
- Libretto by Eliška Krásnohorská based on a Czech legend
- First performance at New Czech Theatre, Prague on 29 October 1882
- Viola - Czech
- Libretto by Eliška Krásnohorská based on the play 'Twelfth Night' by Shakespeare
- First performance at Prague National Theatre on 11 May 1924