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Thomas Arne Thomas Arne
1710 - 1778 UK
Born: 12/03/1710, London UK
Died: 5/03/1778, London UK
English, Eton-educated composer who studied the harpsichord and violin against the wishes of his father. He muffled the sound of the harpsichord with a handkerchief over the strings, so that his father wouldn’t hear. He was most successful in his operatic compositions. The national song Rule Brittania comes from his masque Alfred.
Ballet opera
Article in Wikipedia
Selection of key operas
  • Comus - 1738
  • Alfred - 1740
  • Eliza - 1754
  • Thomas and Sally - 1760
  • Love in a Village UK - 1762 - Ballet opera
  • Artaxerxes - 1762
  • The Fairy Prince - 1771
  • The Cooper - 1772
Complete list of operas with details