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Antonio Draghi
1634 - 1700 IT
Born: 1634, Rimini IT
Died: 16/01/1700, Vienna AT
One of the most prolific composers of his time. His contribution to the development of Italian opera was particularly significant. He began his musical career as a choirboy at Padua, but by 1657 he was appearing on stage, in the opera La fortuna di Rodope e di Damira which was produced in Venice.

In 1668, Draghi was appointed to the court of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, at Vienna, and he remained there until his death.
Azione sacra
Article in Wikipedia
Selection of key operas
  • La Mascherata IT - 1666
  • L'humanità redenta IT - 1669 - Azione sacra
  • Gundeberga IT - 1672
  • Turia Lucrezia IT - 1675
  • Rodogone IT - 1677
  • La magnanimità di Marco Fabrizio IT - 1695