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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 - 1791 AT 3*
The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte) DE - 1791 3* - Singspiel
Act 1 - Act 2
In a grove outside the Temple, Sarastro informs the Priests that the gods have willed Pamina and Tamino's marriage, but only if he is worthy of admission to the Temple. Sarastro takes Pamina under his protection. The couple must go through severe ordeals in order to be worthy of entering the Temple of Light, thus thwarting the sinister schemes of the Queen of the Night. Sarastro prays to Isis and Osiris that the two will prove worthy.
Tamino and Papageno are warned that they may perish in their search for the Truth. They are exposed to various temptations and trials as they move about the Temples.
Eventually, as the three Spirits sing a song of praise to the rising sun in a beautiful garden, Tamino is brought in by the priests for the last stage of his initiation: the test of fire and water. Tamino proclaims his resolution, and is overjoyed to learn that in the final stage, Pamina, who will act as his guide, will accompany him. Protected by the tones of the Magic Flute, the two transcend both fire and water, and are welcomed into the Temple by Sarastro and the Priests.
Papageno, meanwhile, has failed in keeping his vow of silence, and is so despondent that he threatens suicide. The gods show him mercy and bring him Papagena, a pretty young girl, who will serve as his life companion.
Before the Temple, Monostatos leads the Queen and her Ladies who are making their last bid at revenge on Sarastro. Their appearance coincides with a flood of light that drives away the forces of the night. Sarastro and his priests celebrate their victory over the Queen of the Night. They rejoice in Tamino's induction into the priesthood and in the union of the prince with Pamina.